Examine yourself

Before bedtime each night, carefully contemplate the Dhamma first before going to sleep. Begin by looking at all of your actions throughout the day, from dawn to dusk, starting with waking up, eating, working, meditating, keeping the precepts, and giving alms.

Consider how much merit you have made and what kamma you have committed. Resolve to relinquish all the negative kamma. Try to abandon it, not letting it linger with you even for a single night.

Continuously contemplate on giving up. Give up vengeance, kamma, and all kinds of evil. Give up any shortcomings in your practice of Dhamma.

Contemplate on improving yourself. Abandon all wrongdoings completely, and think of improving, doing only good deeds from now on. Do this every single day, because this is your final existence. You must accumulate nothing but merits.

August 31, 1976